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Using AI to help you figure out what is and isn't Brat.

Having a brat summer?

No idea what brat even means?

Well now you can find out with Brat Vision dot net.
It’s a website that uses AI to analyze your life and let you know what is and isn’t brat.

Just upload an image and click “Analyze it.”
In seconds, a custom-trained AI will let you know if you’re living the youthful, adventurous, and care-free brat lifestyle, or languishing in a tragically un-brat morass of routine and responsibility.

It works for selfies, pictures of your dog, photos from Charlie XCX’s birthday party taken by Cobrasnake, and even public figures.

So go ahead, enjoy what’s left of your brat summer with BratVision.

Brat Vision uses the Google Cloud Vision API to analyze upload images, and then sends that data to the OpenAI GPT API with a custom prompt that helps GPT understand what is and isn’t brat. The verdict and rationale is then returned to the website for users to see. Is there anything more brat than an AI-generated analysis of what is and isn’t brat?


©2023 by Bob Bjarke

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